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Space Maintainers

At Smile Town Dentistry in North Delta, we apply space maintainers when a child loses a primary tooth prematurely, in order to create space for permanent teeth to grow in correctly.

What are space maintainers for?

If a primary tooth falls out too soon, it can cause a disruption to the growth path of the permanent teeth. This disruption may cause serious orthodontic problems in the long run, if not circumvented.

A space maintainer preserves the space in the mouth that is left behind when a primary tooth falls out too early. This gives the emerging adult tooth room to grow in where it's supposed to.

What types of space maintainers are there?

There are a few different styles of space maintainers. They can be either removable or fixed, and can be made of metal, acrylic or a combination of the two.

The space maintainer we ultimately recommend for your child depends on a few different factors, such as his or her responsibility level and age.

How can i find out if my child needs a space maintainer?

During regular cleaning and check up dental appointments, our dental team will examine your child's mouth, and determine whether or not a space maintainer is necessary. We'll discuss the matter and your options in detail with you during the appointment.

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