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Order of Eruption: Primary Teeth

Order of Eruption: Primary Teeth

Review this handy guide from our North Delta dentists to learn when you should start expecting your child’s baby teeth to come in, and which order they’re going to erupt in!

When does teething start?

As with so many facets of development, there is no single answer to this question. Each child is different!

The best we can provide is a range: teething usually begins around the 6-month mark or thereabouts, but it's not uncommon for it to start anywhere between the ages of 3 months to 12 months.

How many primary teeth will my child develop?

Children develop 20 primary teeth by around the age of 3. There are 5 different types:

  • Central Incisors
  • Lateral Incisors
  • Canines
  • First Molars
  • Second Molars

Do the primary teeth erupt in a specific order?

To some degree, yes. The exact timing of primary teeth eruption and shedding (or falling out) varies somewhat from child to child, but there are typical age ranges for each type of tooth. These age ranges are (approximately) as follows:

Upper Teeth

  • Central Incisor (8-12 months)
  • Lateral Incisor (9-13 months)
  • Canine (16-22 months)
  • First Molar (13-19 months)
  • Second Molar (25-33 months)

Lower Teeth

  • Central Incisor (6-10 months)
  • Lateral Incisor (10-16 months)
  • Canine (17-23 months)
  • First Molar (14-18 months)
  • Second Molar (23-31 months)

When is the teething process over?

Most children have finished growing all of their primary teeth between the ages of two and a half to three years.

For more information and for answers to your questions about teething, read on here and here, or contact our North Delta dentists to book an appointment!

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