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My Teething Baby is Grumpy! What Should I Do?

My Teething Baby is Grumpy! What Should I Do?

Teething can be quite uncomfortable, and often painful, for babies. These tips will help bring your baby some relief during teething.

Do you remember how it felt when your wisdom teeth came in? Not very comfortable, was it? Well, imagine how your baby feels with her whole mouth is going through just about the same thing! No wonder she’s grumpy. Who wouldn't be?

To help your child feel a bit better during the teething process, try some of the following tips.

Massage the gums.

With a damp, cool cloth, or just your finger, gently massage your baby's gums. This provides counter-pressure, which can really help ease teething discomfort.

Provide something cool to bite.

A cool washcloth, a spoon or a teething ring (like this cool Batman one!) are all helpful tools that can bring down inflammation and soothe your baby at the same time. It's a good idea to keep a stockpile of these types of items in the fridge so that they’re available at a moment’s notice!

Provide hard foods.

If your baby is on solid foods, hard foods, like a chilled carrot or cucumber, can also provide relief when gnawed. Just be sure to supervise while your baby is chewing on anything edible.

Dry that drool.

Babies drool an awful lot while they're teething. To prevent the skin irritation that can result from this near constant moisture, keep lots of soft clean clothes on hand and dab the drool away often. It will also help to apply a moisture barrier, such as Vasaline, to keep some of the moisture off the skin.

If all else fails, try an over-the-counter pain relief remedy.

There are several options available: acetaminophen (Tylenol and similar) or ibuprofen (Advil, Children's Motrin, etc.) might help. Be sure to consult with your pediatrician first!

Need some more advice on caring for your teething baby? Get in touch with SmileTown North Delta today to book a consultation with on of our pediatric dentists.

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