If your baby is in the middle of teething, it may seem like nothing can help ease their discomfort. If you’ve tried every other method, here are a few unusual tips that could help get your family through this tough time.
Try a frozen whole wheat bagel or waffle
Cold and chewy, but also tasty, this trick may help keep your child’s mind of his discomfort with something yummy!
Have you heard of vibrating teethers?
The gentle vibrations help sooth those suffering gums. Here’s an option with lots of positive reviews from Amazon:
» First Year Massaging Teether Pack
Try freezing a bottle nipple.
Put the bottle nipple in the freezer 20 minutes before a feeding to help make the process go more smoothly.
How about a mesh or silicone baby feeder + frozen pureed fruit?
Freeze some pureed fruit in an icecube tray, and pop the cubes into a mesh baby feeder. Tasty and effective!
Here are a couple of good feeder options from Amazon:
» NatureBond Baby Feeder Fruit Pacifier
Frozen Go-Gurt
When frozen, these compact yogurt packs make a delicious, creamy treat that also helps soothe sore gums.