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A Few Great Youtube Videos About Dental Health for Kids

Here on the SmileTown North Delta blog, we like to recommend lots of different children’s books about dental health and oral hygiene. Today, we’d like to share a couple of great Youtube videos about dental health for children.

Watching videos on Youtube is lots of fun for kids. You can use that to your advantage when it comes to teaching your kids about oral health!

There are quite a few fun, informative videos on Youtube about dental health, on topics ranging from visiting the dentist and getting fillings, to oral hygiene at home.

These are just a few of the fun Youtube videos we’ve found about oral health for children:

1. This video from My Kid’s Dentist explains why we visit the dentist, and what happens during a dental appointment:

3.This video, also from My Kid’s Dentist, tells us all about why our teeth need to be brushed and flossed carefully twice a day, and how to get the job done right!:

2. From Colgate Kids, this video walks kids through all the steps of brushing, to help remove all the ‘nasties’ from their mouths:

4. And last but not least, in this video from Colgate, Dr. Rabbit teaches Emily why brushing and flossing every night before bed is so important:

If you would like some more guidance on teaching your kids about the importance of good oral health, please feel free to contact the SmileTown North Delta team!

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