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Protein & Oral Health

 Protein & Oral Health

Most people know that calcium is an important part of keeping growing teeth strong and healthy. However, there are many other dietary elements that are important to the good oral health of children, and protein is one of them.

Eating a variety of nutritionally dense foods is one great way to ensure your mind and body stay healthy. Protein, as you are most likely aware, is an important part of building strong muscles, but it also plays a role in good oral health.

In general, proteins are required in the body to help build and repair damaged or worn out tissues.

But protein (especially animal protein) contains phosphorous, a mineral that is absolutely vital in improving the strength of teeth and the jaw. In fact, when phosphorus is combined with calcium and vitamin D, healthy bones and teeth are the result!

Sources of Protein

Animal proteins such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy are some of the most obvious sources, but there is a large variety of plant-based protein sources as well, for those of you who prefer a vegetarian or vegan diet, or who have picky eaters at home!

Some great plant-based protein sources include tofu, lentils, beans, nuts, and seeds.

If you have questions about nutrition and your child’s oral health, feel free to contact The Smile Town North Delta team today! We’d be glad to give you the advice and guidance you need.

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